Welcome Tohome

Jamie was born and raised in. She attended the Art Institute of Florida, earning a degree in Marketing. Her husband of 23 years, was employed with the USMC, where they spent some time living in California and North Carolina. © 2020 by Welcome Home Inc.

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We envision a dynamic settlement network where all newcomers are welcomed with open hearts and minds, and supported to reach their highest potential for a stronger Canada.


Welcome Tohome

Develop and share insights and personal stories of settlement from diverse perspectives


Create collaborative spaces and opportunities where newcomers and Canadians engaged in settlement efforts can connect, communicate, and collectively work towards more effective settlement experiences


Empower and support community-driven, newcomer settlement-focused initiatives


New ideas, new partnerships and new understanding between newcomers, settlement service providers, social innovators, government and Canadians in general

Meet a Book. Open your Heart. Grow your mind.

In partnership with

WHTO Insights – Professionalization of settlement work: understanding settlement work as a profession and its viability in the current immigration context

The Toronto Global Forum: Immigration and the Canadian Economy

For our friends around the world: Español Türkçe Between Monday and Wednesday last week ministers of state, captains of industry and local entrepreneurs convened at the Fairmont Royal York for the annual Toronto Global Forum (TGF). Organized by the International...

Multiculturalism, Values, and the Golden Rule (Arabic)

For our friends around the world: English Español Français إن التعددية الثقافية الراديكالية هي الاعتقاد الخاطئ بأن كل القيم والثقافات يمكن أن تتعايش في مجتمع واحد. هذا ليس صحيحا. يتوجب علينا حماية مجتمعنا ضد هذا النوع من الهمجية. Translated by Roudayna Hanna التعددية...

Multiculturalisme, valeurs et règle d’or

À nos amis du monde entier: English Español العربية Le multiculturalisme radical est la conviction erronée que toutes les valeurs et toutes les cultures peuvent coexister dans une même société. Ils ne peuvent pas. Nous devons protéger notre société de ce genre de...

Multiculturalism, Values, and the Golden Rule (Spanish)

For our friends around the world: English Français العربية El Multiculturalismo, los Valores y la Regla de Oro Maxime Bernier @ MaximeBernier El multiculturalismo radical es la creencia errónea de que todos los valores y culturas pueden coexistir en...

#yoursTOdiscover: Historic Kingston

For our friends around the world: Español I recently visited Kingston, Ontario for work-related purposes. Kingston is a city located around 300 kilometers east of Toronto, and it took me 4 hours to arrive there. Kingston is surrounded by two rivers, The Cataraqui...

Multiculturalism, Values, and the Golden Rule

Welcome to home
For our friends around the world: Español Français العربية “Radical” multiculturalism. It’s the populist trend of the moment – put the word “radical” in front of something benign, and try to make it sound sinister. Yet, as Mr...

Put Yourself in the Shoes of a Refugee (Spanish)

For our friends around the world: English Póngase en los Zapatos de un Refugiado Translated by/ traducido por Diana Alandete “La violencia sexual en contra de mujeres y hombres es utilizada para forzar confesiones, para extraer información, como castigo y...

Nour Kaadan

Welcome Tohome
NOUR KAADAN Musician What ESL programs have you used to help improve your language skills? Language skills were not a barrier for us; we had worked to improve our skills prior arriving to Toronto. We were prepared mentally for the change in culture and language. We...

Get to Know: Read to Speak – Community ESL Bookclub

Our recent report Breaking the Language Barrier, we identified several challenges and needs of English as Second Language curriculum for newcomers. One of main frustrations newcomers had with existing ESL programs was that the “end-points of ESL classes rarely...

The Words We Use by Emma Bartel

For our friends around the world: Español Türkçe The World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Student Refugee Program brings refugee students to Canada as permanent residents, and provides support for them to continue higher education at one of 83 university campuses...

WHTO seems to cut through the red tape and gets at the heart of the real challenges facing newcomers, and inspires and empowers viable, sustainable solutions.

From attending our adult ESL classes, to inviting us to speak at their Month 13 event, WHTO believed in and guided On the Spot Language. Our partnership has resulted in On the Spot Language launching our pilot Newcomer Program.

Language has emerged as one of the most significant challenges for refugees as they are now passed Month 13. The quality of existing ESL programs has repeatedly been a contention in newcomers being able to progress their language skills, and in turn hindering their integration process.

Home Welcome To Tds Telecom

Welcome to home

WHTO connects the right people they have done and continue to do so, for On the Spot Language. Not only has WHTO given us a voice, but has continued to motivate and inspire us to keep on fighting the fight and not to give up.

The entire team at WHTO has supported On the Spot Language believing in what we’re doing to truly help these newcomers to reach their highest potential and to make Canada a stronger country.

Welcome To Homesmart

Keep up with project development and news from the WelcomeHome Team.