

TutorialTutorialTutorial systems

Large collections of instructional Processing videos are online from Daniel Shiffman, Andrew Glassner, Jose Sanchez, and Abe Pazos.

Hello Processing
by Daniel Shiffman et al.

Short video lessons introduce coding exercises that lead to designing an interactive drawing program.

Welcome to Processing 3
by Daniel Shiffman

What's new in Processing 3? Dan walks through the new features and changes.

by Daniel Shiffman

Learn how to pause and step through your running code with the Processing 3 Debugger.

Getting Started
by Casey Reas and Ben Fry

Welcome to Processing! This introduction covers the basics of writing Processing code.

Level: Beginner

Processing Overview
by Ben Fry and Casey Reas

A little more detailed introduction to the different features of Processing than the Getting Started tutorial.

Level: Beginner

Coordinate System and Shapes
by Daniel Shiffman

Drawing simple shapes and using the coordinate system.

Level: Beginner

by Daniel Shiffman

An introduction to digital color.

Level: Beginner

by Daniel Shiffman

The basics of object-oriented programming.

Level: Beginner

by Casey Reas and Ben Fry

Introduction to interactivity with the mouse and keyboard.

Level: Beginner

by Casey Reas and Ben Fry

Working with typefaces and text.

Level: Beginner

Strings and Drawing Text
by Daniel Shiffman

Learn how use the String class and display text onscreen.

Level: Intermediate

by Casey Reas and Ben Fry

How to store and access data in array structures.

Level: Intermediate

Images and Pixels
by Daniel Shiffman

How to load and display images as well as access their pixels.

Level: Intermediate

by J David Eisenberg

Learn how to draw arcs, spline curves, and bezier curves.

Level: Intermediate

2D Transformations
by J David Eisenberg

Learn how to translate, rotate, and scale shapes using 2D transformations.

Level: Intermediate

by Daniel Shiffman

How to use the PShape class in Processing.

Level: Intermediate

by Daniel Shiffman

Learn the basics of working with data feeds in Processing.

Level: Intermediate

Trigonometry Primer
by Ira Greenberg

An introduction to trigonometry.

Level: Intermediate

Render Techniques
by Casey Reas and Ben Fry

Tools for rendering geometries in Processing.

Level: Intermediate

Two-Dimensional Arrays
by Daniel Shiffman

Store and acess data in a matrix using a two-dimensional array.

Level: Intermediate

by R. Luke DuBois and Wilm Thoben

Learn how to play, analyze, and synthesize sound with the Sound Library.

Level: Intermediate

by Hernando Berragán and Casey Reas

Control physical media with Processing, Arduino, and Wiring.

Level: Intermediate

by Alexander R. Galloway

An introduction to sending and receiving data with clients and servers.

Level: Intermediate

by Casey Reas

Use Processing to output print quality images and documents.

Level: Intermediate

by Andres Colubri

A guide to implementing GLSL shaders in Processing.

Level: Advanced

by Daniel Shiffman

An introduction to useing the PVector class in Processing.

Level: Advanced

by Daniel Shiffman

Developing advanced graphics applications in Processing using P3D (OpenGL) mode.

Level: Advanced

by Daniel Shiffman

How to display live and recorded video

Level: Advanced

Anatomy of a Program
by J David Eisenberg

How do you analyze a problem and break it down into steps that the computer can do?

Level: Advanced


HTML / Web Tutorial How PubMed Works - On Demand How PubMed Works On Demand is an online, at-your-own-pace class offered via Moodle. It is made up of 4 independent modules: Introduction, Selection, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), and ATM (Automatic Term Mapping). This tutorial walks through some basic image and layer manipulation techniques. Making a Circle-Shaped Image How to create a circular-shaped image. Layer Masks An introduction to using layer masks to modify the opacity of a layer. Basic Color Curves A first look at the Curves tool and adjusting color tones in an image. Your GIMP Profile (and You). This tutorial is designed for people who prefer to learn by doing. If you prefer learning concepts from the ground up, check out our step-by-step guide. You might find this tutorial and the guide complementary to each other. The tutorial is divided into several sections.