
Alternatively, Ryu☆ regularly appears in the Hardcore Syndrome (Hardcore Tano.C) series of albums and in various S2TB Recording releases. Ryutaro is known for being one of the most prominent figures in Japanese hardcore, dabbling into every hardcore genre down to speedcore. Ryu focuses more on the Hado principle of the fighting style, which makes him very skilled with his usage of ki. Some of Ryu's more powerful attacks are variations of the Hadoken technique. As time progressed, Ryu's version became the most outstanding of its practitioners, with superior speed and recovery time compared to his rivals. Respect Your Universe. An innovative brand of tailored urban athletic apparel engineered for the fitness and training of the multi-discipline athlete. Get the latest stock price for RYU Apparel Inc. (RYU), plus the latest news, recent trades, charting, insider activity, and analyst ratings.

The base class for Ryu applications.

RyuApp subclasses are instantiated after ryu-manager loadedall requested Ryu application modules.__init__ should call RyuApp.__init__ with the same arguments.It's illegal to send any events in __init__.

The instance attribute 'name' is the name of the class used formessage routing among Ryu applications. (Cf. send_event)It's set to __class__.__name__ by RyuApp.__init__.It's discouraged for subclasses to override this.


A list of supported OpenFlow versions for this RyuApp.The default is all versions supported by the framework.


If multiple Ryu applications are loaded in the system,the intersection of their OFP_VERSIONS is used.


A dictionary to specify contexts which this Ryu application wants to use.Its key is a name of context and its value is an ordinary classwhich implements the context. The class is instantiated by app_managerand the instance is shared among RyuApp subclasses which has _CONTEXTSmember with the same key. A RyuApp subclass can obtain a reference tothe instance via its __init__'s kwargs as the following.


_EVENTS = []

A list of event classes which this RyuApp subclass would generate.This should be specified if and only if event classes are defined ina different python module from the RyuApp subclass is.


teardown method.The method name, close, is chosen for python context manager

classmethod context_iteritems()

Return iterator over the (key, contxt class) of application context



reply_to_request(req, rep)

Send a reply for a synchronous request sent by send_request.The first argument should be an instance of EventRequestBase.The second argument should be an instance of EventReplyBase.

send_event(name, ev, state=None)

Send the specified event to the RyuApp instance specified by name.

Ryu Hayabusa

send_event_to_observers(ev, state=None)

Send the specified event to all observers of this RyuApp.

Ryu Hayabusa


Make a synchronous request.Set req.sync to True, send it to a Ryu application specified byreq.dst, and block until receiving a reply.Returns the received reply.The argument should be an instance of EventRequestBase.


Ryusoulger Facebook

Hook that is called after startup initialization is done.