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Download Full Episodes of TV Show Grey’s Anatomy Season 2 You will find download links to Grey’s Anatomy Season 2 below. Choose which format, size and resource for downloading is convenient for you. If one of the links does not work, please let us know. Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Quotes. MEREDITH: 'You don't get to call me a whore. When I met you, I thought I had found the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 27
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In the Southeast, to lose one's religion means to lose civility. To fly off the handle. Give up control of one's better judgment, even. With all that took place in the first hour (Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response), emotions are running high as the second half of the finale begins...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 26
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Fight or flight. Run from your problems, or stay and tough it out. When faced with stressful situations, people tend to react in one of...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 25
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Just 17 seconds separate Denny from the man ahead of him on the heart transplant list. Had Mr. Duquette's information been entered into...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 24
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Damage control. Every day at Seattle Grace centers around this concept, but this episode in particular has the doctors scrambling to rep...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 23
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An all-new Grey's Anatomy after a four-week layoff. So exciting that it's hard to even know where to begin. But we'll give it our best ...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 22
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As the episode opens, Meredith is knitting and swearing off men. During March Madness. At Joe's. Talk about cool. Almost as much so a...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 21
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As the episode begins, George is desperate to remake himself after his emotional scarring at the hands of Meredith. When he's not cuttin...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 20
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2-6. That's the record of the typically stellar Seattle Grace surgeons in this episode packed with fatalities… and the characters...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 19
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For the first time in the show's brief history, the story begins with a voiceover by George, not Meredith. It's appropriate, considering...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 18
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A week after a bomb went off at Seattle Grace, the real fireworks are starting to fly. When Preston returns home to find Cristina rockin...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 17
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… The tension continues with Meredith keeping her hand on the bomb, Derek refusing to leave the O. R. , Dr. Bailey in labor but r...

DownloadWatch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 16
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We have… a code… black. These words echoed through our minds for two weeks in advance, as ABC hyped its post-Super Bowl ep...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 15
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After arriving to work amidst a strike by the nurses (who demand better wages and hours) at Seattle Grace, Meredith finds an elderly pati...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 14
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The theme of this episode is -- as hard as it is to guess -- lying. The lies we tell to friends, to lovers. The lies doctors tell to pa...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 13
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Determined to turn over a new leaf as the calendar begins a new year, Izzie begins the arduous (and soon to be quite familiar) process of...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 12
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It's Christmas time and that means stress. Whether you're working at a hospital or anywhere else. A young boy, Justin, needs a heart tr...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 11
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How bad is solitary confinement that a prison inmate would swallow a razor blade in order to take a 'field trip' to the hospital? And ho...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 10
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Meredith stares at the ceiling in abject terror after her latest one-night stand, Steve shows up at Seattle Grace with priapism. Or, in ...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 9
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Liquor. Lots and lots of liquor. That's what Cristina says she needs to get through Thanksgiving, a time of sharing, togetherness and l...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 8
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Derek and Addison, whose personal relationship is already strained, must cope with additional professional stress when two of their close...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 7
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Seems like everybody's talking at Seattle Grace. Meredith, in particular, has become the subject of water cooler banter after being dump...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 6
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Meredith is hitting the bottle pretty hard at Joe's, nervously awaiting a final decision from Derek, who she begged to pick, choose and l...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 5
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Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 4
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As Cristina recovers from her collapse in the O. R. , and the termination of her pregnancy that followed, she proves to be a difficult pa...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 3
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Download Grey S Anatomy Season 2

Early on, we get the impression that this will not be a typical day at Seattle Grace. Meredith's mother, Dr. Ellis Grey, is rushed to t...

Download Grey Anatomy Season 2Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 2
Original Air Date:

Preston continues to lead the surgical team while Richard recovers. Mrs. Webber, meanwhile, cuts her vacation short to care for her hus...

Watch Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 1
Original Air Date:

The episode begins with a seemless transition from last season's finale. Meredith tries to work with Addison 'Shepherd' while George is ...

Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Quotes

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MEREDITH: 'You don't get to call me a whore. When I met you, I thought I had found the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I was done! All the boys and all the bars and all the obvious daddy issues, who cares? I was done. You left me. You chose Addison. I'm all glued back together now. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke. You don't get to call me a whore.'
DEREK: 'This thing with us is finished. It's over.'
MEREDITH: 'Finally.'
DEREK: 'Yeah, it's done.'
MEREDITH: 'It is done.'

  • Permalink: You don't get to call me a whore. When I met you, I thought I h...
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DEREK: 'Meredith.'
MEREDITH: 'Leave me alone.'
DEREK: 'Meredith-'
MEREDITH: 'Just leave me alone!'
DEREK: 'I just want to make sure you're alright.'
MEREDITH: 'No! I'm not alright? Okay? Are you satisfied? I'm not alright. Because you have a wife, and you call me a whore, and our dog died, and now you're looking at me again. Stop looking at me.'
DEREK: 'I'm not looking at you. I am not looking at you.'
MEREDITH: 'You are looking at me. And you watch me. And Finn has plans. I like Finn. He's perfect for me, and I'm really trying here to be happy, and I feel like I can't breathe. I can't breathe with you looking at me like that, so just stop!'
DEREK: 'You think I want to look at you? That I wouldn't rather be looking at my wife? I'm married. I have responsibilities. She doesn't drive me crazy. She doesn't make it impossible for me to feel normal. She doesn't make me sick to my stomach thinking about my veternarian touching her with his hands. Man, I would give anything to not be looking at you!'

  • Permalink: Meredith. Leave me alone. Meredith- Just leave me alone! ...
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