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Just like clapping your hands, stomping your feet, shaking a can of coins or squirting him with water, the high-pitched whistle can stop him in his tracks and get his attention without bothering your neighbors. Step 1 Observe your dog closely so you can stop him the moment he starts behaving badly. It is a dog's natural habit to chew, unfortunately that sometimes means destruction of items dog owners need, cherish or paid a lot of money for. When training your dog not to chew on unwanted items it's important to remember that the behavior is not spiteful or malicious.

Decrease Stress. For some people, lying can be a stress reaction. You may have been in a situation where you felt so overwhelmed that you could not think straight enough to feel like you could come up with a good answer, and the result ended up being a lie. Lying serves to take the pressure off in this way. Sometimes, people genuinely do not even realize they're telling lies if lying is an almost automatic reaction to stress. In these types of cases, someone else might be calling to your attention that what you said was untrue. Learning some healthy methods to identify and cope with stress could help this type of lying.

Start Small. It's overwhelming to think you must change all at once. Start by telling people a few true things every day. Set a goal for yourself. Don't say 'I won't lie today' because that can be very hard to achieve at the beginning of your process. Set a specific goal on how many true things you'll say that day about yourself. Maybe you start with three or four, but you want to start small and work your way up from there.

Before you know it, you're going to be in the habit of telling the truth, and you'll see the immense positive impact it has on your relationships and your overall life.



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'Douglas has helped me realize and find a way to break a pattern that I've been having for the last few weeks and probably lifelong. This is going to help me improve my relationships and my life will be more fulfilling. I'm glad I got to talk to Douglas, I can sense he is a great professional.'

'Nancy is one of the best counselors I've ever had, and I have had many. She's very down to earth and in touch with me emotionally. Our sessions are always productive and thought-provoking. I highly recommend Nancy to anyone who wants a forthright, no-nonsense approach. If you don't want to think and talk very honestly about yourself, find somebody else. Nancy is going for the truth to really help.'

Final Thoughts

Even though you might be comfortable in the way you're coping, there's always a better way. You deserve to feel free from the stress and discomfort that comes from your compulsive lying, and the people around you don't deserve to be manipulated through lying. Take the first step today and find a therapist who can help you stop lying and start telling the truth instead so you can improve your personal relationships and encourage personal growth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What does it mean to be a compulsive liar?

Lying is the act of making a false statement that is meant to deceive others. It is an intentional act and is often used to achieve personal gain. Unlike people who lie to get something they want, a compulsive liar is someone who lies habitually and for no apparent benefit. Compulsive liars typically tell a lie that has a believable element but is not total truth. For example, the person might say they work as a doctor, when in fact, they are a home health aide. Although they work in the medical field, in this example, the compulsive liar exaggerates what their career is to impress other people. You might think that they're telling white lies, but even small untruths can be dangerous, impacting the most important things including family life. Compulsive liars mix truth and lies and confuse others. Once the habit of lying is established, it becomes a pattern of behavior and a compulsive liar may feel like they can’t stop lying. It is often hard for a person who is a compulsive liar to get therapy because they may lie to their therapist, but there is hope, and they can get help.

Can a compulsive liar be cured?

It is possible for people who lie frequently or compulsively to stop lying. However, it is not likely that you can make someone who is comfortable telling a lie stop lying. It is important to understand that the only way to overcome compulsive lying is for the person who lies to be comfortable with telling the truth. That may sound simple, but for a person who is a compulsive liar, the urge to lie becomes such an engrained pattern of behavior that is difficult to stop the lying habit.

Difficult does not have to mean impossible, though. No matter how big the problem is, it is possible to stop lying. To overcome compulsive lying and to learn to deal with the issues that a lying habit causes, such as work or school problems or a tumultuous family life, it is important to reach out for help as soon as possible. By talking to a counselor or other mental health professional, a compulsive liar can learn ways to come face-to-face with what has led to the habit of lying. One of the things that people who lie find it hard to understand is that it eventually becomes hard to hide the truth. There is a treatment for compulsive lying, and it involves seeing a therapist. When a person sees a mental health provider, they may start to lie. The therapist will try to work with them regardless of whether they're telling a lie or not, and people who lie compulsively may not be aware that they're doing so. They tend to lie in a way that sounds believable, and yet, is not the truth. A therapist can work with an individual who compulsively lies, but it can be a challenging thing to work through. The best treatment for compulsive lying is to find a therapist, find a treatment center, or a support group.

Why do liars lie?

People might start to lie for several reasons. Children learn to tell what some people call “little white lies.” Although they may not seem to have a significant impact on relationships in childhood, if they don’t learn how important it is to stop lying, it could lead to problems later in life. Some people lie because they don’t want people to be angry with them or to avoid the shame of things they have done. Others lie because they are afraid of facing consequences. Compulsive lying is often a symptom associated with some mental health disorders such as borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, antisocial personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety. People with mental health disorders may lie to avoid the conflict that they believe the truth would otherwise cause.

Unfortunately, when a liar has told so many lies, they start to feel disconnected from the truth. This can be challenging for both those who are being lied to and for the person who is lying. Once a person is lied to repeatedly, they may show disinterest in a liar’s side of the story, no matter how big that person’s problem or need may be.

Even if you've only told what you consider to be little white lies, it can be detrimental to your relationships with others. It's essential if you are compulsively lying to seek the help of a mental health professional and start to understand why you're doing it.

How do you detect a lie?

If you begin to question lying behavior, or if you have known someone who has been caught lying, it can leave you feeling frustrating. If you were being dishonest and someone told you they knew you were lying, it can cause you to feel embarrassed or ashamed.

While pathological liars typically find it hard to stop, learning to detect dishonesty early on may help you address the problem and preserve relationships later. In some cases, a person’s body language will suggest that they are lying. They may fidget, stutter or avert their eyes away from you when talking. People who lie typically do not like to make eye contact. Many people are conditioned by their own behavior to expect the same behavior from others. Therefore, although pathological liars are the ones being dishonest, they may find it difficult finding people to trust. They may tell the same story from time to time but change the facts slightly each time. Additionally, you may find that they are making up stories more frequently. The lies a compulsive liar tells may appear to be more believable than the everyday person's untruths. People who lie compulsively often know how to hide it, and that can be scary.

How common is lying?

Unfortunately, for some people, lying is very commonplace. Research suggests that 96% of people admit that they lie from time to time Although most of us have told a lie at some point, that doesn't mean that it's acceptable or morally okay. You might think, 'I lie to my friends when I don't want to hurt their feelings,' but every time you lie, you risk losing the trust of the person you lied to, and that is unfortunate for you, and your relationship with them. It is important to identify poor behavior in yourself and, if you are lying, stop lying. No matter how much you want to “protect” someone else, if you feel the need to lie, stop. If you know someone is telling you a lie, reply to them with a truth and tell them you expect the same behavior from them.

Is exaggerating lying?

Anything To Stop The Pain Dialectical Behavioral Training Near Me

If you are exaggerating, it technically is a lie because you aren't reporting an accurate description of what happened. Depending on the context, it may or may not have detrimental consequences. The definition of exaggeration is that it's something that is the truth, but with an added lie, so technically, it is a lie.

What is considered a lie?

A lie is something that is not true. It's false, and it's someone intentionally deceiving another person. You can also lie through omission, so, if you don't tell the exact truth to hide something, you'd be telling lies.

How many times a day does someone lie?

That depends on the individual. If you have a compulsive lying problem, you might lie a lot throughout the day. Some people are extreme truth-tellers and do not lie, but others have a severe problem with lying and don't stop doing it. In general, people who do not practice excessive lying do tell white lies sometimes, but they do not lie habitually, and do not have long-term issues with it, nor are they a bad person. White lies are sometimes seen as a way to protect others from hard truths, but they can still harm others.

Is compulsive lying a mental disorder?

Compulsive lying by itself is not a mental disorder. However, it can be a symptom of some mental illnesses such as Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder that require treatment. If you are struggling with compulsive lying, it's essential to find a therapist so that you can work on it and get better.

Why do I lie all the time?

Robert Feldman, a professor of psychological and brain sciences and deputy chancellor at the University of Massachusetts, says 'Lying is part and parcel of everyday life.' Although virtually most people lie in their everyday life, they do not fall under the same categories of liars. Lies come in different forms such as white lies, compulsive lies, and pathological lies.

So, if you have yourself in a condition where you lie all the time, you may be a pathological liar. Pathological lying is a mental health condition that makes you lie all the time without any specific reason. Normally, people lie from time to time, but when it's all the time, it becomes a medical issue.

If you are a pathological liar, you will be very good at elaborating lies and mentally skilled at convincing people to believe the lies you tell. If you are a pathological liar, it's possible that you have a history of substance abuse, anger, eating disorders, and whatnots.

As a pathological and habitual liar, you will have the conception that parts of the lies you tell are true which consequently will make you unduly exaggerate the vitality of basic happenings.

What happens when you lie too much?


Telling lies may look normal to you based on the fact that it's part of human nature — Some people lie habitually while others lie in an innocuous way to save other people's faces. Factually, what you must know is, when lies are told excessively, things happen.

From empirical studies, Scientific American explained that telling lies has a great influence on people's brains which consequently makes lies easier the more they are told. Nature Neuroscience backed this up claim with a study of the amygdala. It was shown that the more people lie the less the amygdala shows up. This eventually makes them feel less guilty or sometimes not even feel bad about what's being said, or see it as a bad habit.

When you lie a lot, it has serious effects on your relationship. It leads to a lack of trust which may destroy the intimacy between partners— it will be terrible for your long term relationship to be sabotaged by lying. No matter how big or small the problem can be, telling lies shouldn't be the option. If you however find yourself in a habit of lying where you lie compulsively, consider seeking out the help of a therapist, locate a treatment center, or find a support group, — the condition may need special attention that's beyond your power.

How do I stop lying so much?

Your understanding of the negative effects lying may have on your health and relationship should be enough to prompt you to stop lying. No matter how long you might have found yourself in the habit of lying, there are possible steps you can take to stop lying so much. The following are some of these steps to take to deal with your challenge:

  • Know different kinds of lies and their triggers: You should know what you are dealing with to know how to handle it. Try to know if your lies fall under white lies, lies by omission, exaggerations, subtle lies, or complete untruths. Being specific about your lying habit and understanding the triggers that make it hard to stop lying may actually help you quit this behavior. The triggers may be stress after hard work, fear, low self-esteem, etc.
  • Create Boundaries: Many a time, several people lie because they are unable to create boundaries especially in their profession or personal life. If you are too busy or tired to execute a task or go out with your friends, you should be clear about it instead of covering up with deception after seeing it not as a big deal. Although it may be difficult to say no especially to a close friend in order not to hurt such a person's feelings, you should feel free to speak up what you want with complete sincerity. This may help mentally with personal growth.
  • Think about what will really happen if you are truthful: Understanding perfectly that you lies can cause more bad than good to you or to others may help you stop lying. Sometimes, the outcome of telling the truth may not be as bad as you might have assumed. Also, be ready to face your fears when dealing with either big or small
  • Deal the goal of the lie: Every act is expected to have a goal. Sometimes, your lies may tend towards lessening the pain you may cause someone. However, you may end up causing such a person more pain eventually.
  • Don't Justify or Validate your dishonesty: This is an important step to take. It's very tempting to cover one lie with another so as not to be caught lying. You may even make efforts to prove to yourself or others that the lies tell is harmless or is told for a reason. However, you should know that lies drain the energy that runs in a relationship.
  • Be Respectful to Others and Yourself: If you show respect to other people you may stop lying to them. Seek the interest of others and be conscious of the future consequences your lies may have. When you do this, it means you respect them and yourself too.
  • Be sure if you are not a compulsive liar: if you are a compulsive liar, your lies will be uncontrollable, impulsive, unplanned, persistent, and frequent, and serve no purpose. If your behavior is compulsive, you may be required to seek therapy, or find a support group or other treatment center. It's important to find a therapist when you can't stop lying.
  • Find a Treatment Center or a Support Group: If all your attempts to stop lying fail, it will be great if you find a therapist who can help you overcome it. There are different types of therapy you can take. Finding a support group can also be a very effective way to get help while connecting to others who struggle with the same issues. You may also choose to take advantage of other resources, such as TheHopeLine.

Anything To Stop The Pain Dialectical Behavioral Training Cards

Can a Compulsive Liar Change?

Compulsive lying is a mental health condition that may be a symptom of other conditions such as bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD), impulse control issues, substance dependency, eating disorders, and borderline personality and narcissistic personality disorder. It's shown that compulsive liars may find it difficult to stop lying or to change, even if they are in treatment, such as one of the many types of therapy, counseling, or addiction recovery, but it's possible.

If you are a compulsive liar, try to find a therapist. There are different types of therapy available to treat your condition. A therapist can help you change your bad habit and stop it from affecting people around you. It's important that you acknowledge your condition and don't lie to your therapist.

If you are close to someone who thinks it’s okay to continue lying, move on from that relationship, if you need to. If they continue to tell you lies, reply to them in a manner that expresses how their lies make you feel. Sometimes, some individuals are forced to find a therapist or attend a support group. These people may feel reluctant about cooperating with the treatment plans or simply just don’t care. But, if you really wish to stop lying, as a compulsive liar, you should start telling the truth and being honest at all times to your therapist and put in the hard work to improve. By being able to practice telling the truth with a therapist, it will be easier to apply it to your personal relationships.

Why do I lie for attention?

If you lie for attention, it implies you are a narcissistic liar. A narcissistic liar always seeks attention and lies a lot to get it. Most times, your ego is responsible for this which you will always seek to defend. This consequently may affect your personal growth. As a narcissistic liar, you won't admit making any mistake, you will always place blame on others and criticize them, and there will be a lack of responsibility or accountability in the way you live your life. For these individuals, making an effort to stop lying will be challenging because they typically don’t feel bad about doing so or think it’s a big deal at all.

What do you call a person who constantly lies?

A person who lies constantly and can't stop lying may be referred to as a mythomaniac. A mythomaniac in psychiatry is someone suffering from mythomania, pseudologia fantastica, or pathological lying. American Psychological Association explained mythomania as a tendency to elaborate, exaggerate, and tell lies, including reports of imagined experiences, often involving self-deception.

Can Lying Cause Stress?

Whether you are lying, telling the truth, or somewhere in between, many situations can cause stress. Scientific American expounded from a neuroscientific point of view that when you lie, specific parts of your brain is activated. In addition, a habit of lying is accompanied by a feeling of guilt which leads to the development of stress.

From clear observations, it's discovered that when people lie, stress hormones are stimulated; blood pressure and heart rates also increase. If you lie habitually, you may feel too much stress from maintaining your lies. You may continuously be mindful of what will happen if you are caught lying, especially in a relationship.

If you find it hard to stop lying, you should know that stress could contribute to tension headaches, lower-back pain, menstrual problems, a rapid heartbeat, and infertility. This is because it has the tendency to lower the number of white blood cells fighting infections in your body.

Why does your heart beat faster when you lie?

Lying involves a serious psychological process that sometimes may be related to a mental health disorder when it's compulsive, and these physical health problems are another reason to find a therapist.

When you lie, you tend to make use of some specific parts of your brain—these parts control the emotional departments of the brain faculty. So, when you lie, the cardiovascular center is affected. The cardiovascular system relates to the circulatory system involving the heart and blood vessels. When the cardiovascular system is influenced by the brain's emotions, it consequently affects the person's heart stroke intensity and heart rate.

Contact BetterHelp

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Read more from BetterHelp about How to Stop Lying & Mental Health:

  • How To Recognize Pathological Lying -
  • How To Tell If Someone Is Lying: Body Language Tells You What They Won’t -
  • Love And Lies Do Not Mix - Here's Why -
  • Can People Change Or Do They Just Lie? How Experts Answer The Question, 'Can People Change?' -
  • How To Stop Worrying And Start Living -
If you are in crisis or want to learn more about mental health, do not hesitate to call the hotlines below:
  • RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) - 1-800-656-4673

  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline - 1-800-799-7233

  • NAMI Helpline (National Alliance on Mental Illness) - 1-800-950-6264, for more information:, or visit their Facebook Page.