Sra Darkness Riseshidden Hills Stable

Sra darkness riseshidden hills stablesSra Darkness Riseshidden Hills Stable

  • Reviews(45)
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by Susan Hill

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Following up from the child abduction in her previous novel 'The Pure in Heart' Susan Hill explores the crazy grief of a widowed husband, a derangement which turns to obsession and threats, violence and terror.
Recently added byboldforbs, ginahill, dragondiana, Marie_O, Bookbets50, ShaunHeathcote, arbies, Rivaton, Dunedin_Athenaeum
LibraryThing Recommendations
Member recommendations
  1. The Pure in Heart by Susan Hill(KayCliff)
  2. 00
    The Vows of Silence by Susan Hill(Eowyn1)
  3. The Various Haunts of Men by Susan Hill(Eowyn1)

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3.5 0f 5 ( )
boldforbs | Jan 15, 2021 |
The third Serrailler mystery, and just as good as the first two. Suspenseful and dark, and Hill continues to more thoroughly develop her characters in this really excellent series. ( )
JBD1 | Jul 2, 2018 |
Good, not the Best in the series.. but she's different, not rote at all.. similar to E. George in some ways, with touch of Tara French. ( )
kmajort | Feb 9, 2018 |
The third in the Simon Serailler detective series. As good as the first two, some unresolved crimes and issues from previous books are addressed, and new directions charted for the characters going forward. I find this series as compelling as anything of its type I've ever read; there hasn't been a predictable development in any of the three entries so far, yet everything makes utter sense in the end. ( )
laytonwoman3rd | Nov 1, 2017 |
The unique and well-written characters give the reader more to focus on than just the crime rate in this fictional English town. So far, an excellent series. Reminds me somewhat of Peter Robinson's books..the tone is dark and there are no easy answers as to why the criminals commit these crimes. ( )
Gingermama | Jan 24, 2016 |
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Blighted souls and the bleak lives they lead overwhelm the plot of Hill's diffuse and meandering third thriller to feature Chief Insp. Simon Serrailler.

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There was no fly and there should have been a fly.
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Following up from the child abduction in her previous novel 'The Pure in Heart' Susan Hill explores the crazy grief of a widowed husband, a derangement which turns to obsession and threats, violence and terror.

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Susan Hill's book The Risk of Darkness was available from LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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Sra Darkness Riseshidden Hills Stable For Sale

Isaac Kappy’s “it will rain.50 cal in the Hollywood Hills” comment, followed by dying next door to an ammo dump, should be considered in light of the massive cache of 1000+ long guns and ammunition just found in the Hollywood Hills in an abandoned house next door to Illuminati Satanists Jay-Z and Beyonce, owned by Getty’s mistress. The Risk Of Darkness, Susan Hill This will be a fairly brief review for two reasons: firstly, I thought I’d already reviewed it and only realised when I tried to link my review of The Vows of Silence to it that I’d not; and secondly, it is very much a continuation of the second novel, The Pure In Heart.