C2 Christmasdialectical Behavioral Training


Food safety has long been the subject of scholarly research, and street food is a weak link in food safety supervision. Street food not only provides convenience for many people, but is also the livelihood for millions of low income people, making a great contribution to the economy of many developing countries. Street food safety is essential, and yet it has been rarely studied in China. Certification is intended to provide quality training to clinicians interested in providing TEAM therapy and to publicly acknowledge those who have received training. We would love to welcome you to the TEAM community and support your learning! Five progressive Certification levels provide opportunities for clinicians to deepen their level of. Christmas can be stressful for everyone. Don't let a relapse add to your problems this holiday season. Call 833.705.0079 to learn about relapse triggers.

Sexual addiction is defined as any sexually-related, compulsive behavior which interferes with normal living and causes severe stress on family, friends, loved ones, and one’s work environment.

The Sexual Addiction Training is designed to provide formal knowledge and training in the task-centered approach to the treatment of sexual addiction and sexual compulsivity. It will provide a professional with the core classes for sex addiction treatment. It requires an internship with an Approved Sexual Addiction Program under the supervision of a qualified expert. 10 CEU’s available

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, an estimated 1.7 million workers are injured each year during workplace assaults; in addition, violent workplace incidents account for 18% of all violent crime in the United States [Bureau of Justice Statistics 2001]. Liberty Mutual, in its annual Workplace Safety Index, cites “assaults and violent acts” as the 10th leading cause of nonfatal occupational injury in 2002, representing about 1% of all workplace injuries and a cost of $400 million [Liberty Mutual 2004]. During the 13-year period from 1992 to 2004, an average of 807 workplace homicides occurred annually in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) [BLS 2005]. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the United States. Keep your organization free from violence.

This course provides you with all the information required to run court ordered and referred anger management groups. Dr. Mathis is a recognized National Anger Management Association Trainer and anger management facilitator with up to date anger management techniques, tools and information. She was the first President of the California Association of Anger Management Programs and teaches in a down to earth style so that any facilitator can run, manage and provide smooth running groups. You will also have a lesson plan for up to 26 weeks of sessions to help you get started immediately with your groups. Upon completion you will receive a certified anger management facilitator certificate.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, an estimated 1.7 million workers are injured each year during workplace assaults; in addition, violent workplace incidents account for 18% of all violent crime in the United States [Bureau of Justice Statistics 2001]. Liberty Mutual, in its annual Workplace Safety Index, cites “assaults and violent acts” as the 10th leading cause of nonfatal occupational injury in 2002, representing about 1% of all workplace injuries and a cost of $400 million [Liberty Mutual 2004]. During the 13-year period from 1992 to 2004, an average of 807 workplace homicides occurred annually in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) [BLS 2005]. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the United States. Keep your organization free from violence.

Often an individual’s first encounter with the criminal justice system is when they become the victim of a crime. For most crime victims, navigating through the court system can be a daunting experience. No one should have to endure this alone.


A new Certification Training at Mathis & Associates will help alleviate the anxiety for survivors of domestic violence and other crimes. The Certified Court Advocacy Support Program teaches you skills to support crime victims for court appearances. Certified Court Advocates will learn about the court system and how to help support & advocate for domestic violence and crime victims. The training, which includes sessions on advocacy, court procedures, reports to the court, restraining orders, court forms and court preparation.


For many victims, this may be their first experience with the criminal justice system, and they are anxious about what will happen. Having an Certified Court Advocate with them who can answer questions and offer support is extremely important.


You will be ready to provide one-on-one support throughout the trial procedures. You will be ready to attend court proceedings with the victims and provide moral support and guidance. Photo editing software download for mac. Within the supportive role, it is important that the advocate be an accepting, empathic listener.

Certified Court Advocates are offered an opportunity to have a meaningful experience that has a direct impact on victim’s lives.

Court Advocates’ presence in the courtroom offers support for victims, fosters a stronger sense of community and encourages the justice system to be more responsive to the needs of victims of crime. Upon completion you will receive a certificate of completion.

Secondary Trauma can be experienced by anyone who works daily with people in crisis or who have experienced horrible things in their lives. Attorneys and judges are no exception. When the legal profession works with clients who have either experienced trauma in their lives and listen daily to their stories, it is not unusual for attorneys and judges to experience Secondary Trauma or Vicarious Trauma as it is sometimes known, as well. Transference and other factors take place and those in the legal profession need to learn how to prevent this from happening to them and to have good self care practices in place. This training is for those wanting to lessen their chances of “work burn out” and who want to experience more happiness in their personal lives and relationships.

Laughter Coaching is “any intervention that promotes health and wellness by stimulating a playful discovery, expression or appreciation of the absurdity or incongruity of life’s situations. This intervention may enhance health or be used as a complementary treatment of illness to facilitate healing or coping, whether physical, emotional, cognitive, social or spiritual.”

(Association for Applied and Laughter Therapy) Neuroscientist, Jodi Deluca, Ph.D., of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University said, “It doesn’t matter why you laugh. Even in small doses, it improves our overall quality of life.”

  • Laughter Coaching is a process between coach and client and does not change the facts, but it does change the way one relates to the facts.
  • Laughter Coaching empowers one to embody more healing laughter – using this major cathartic process to healing emotional pain.
  • Laughter Coaching promotes appropriate laughter, resulting in self-determination, well-being and healthy connections, allowing one to see things that seem unbearable and releasing them in a pleasurable way.
  • Laughter Coachingcreates physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological healing using a whole lot of laughs.

Over the years, doctors and health care professionals have reported many physical benefits to laughter. Here are just a few:

  • Decrease in stress hormone levels
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Pain reduction
  • Lowering of blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular conditioning
  • Natural anti-depressant

Sociopathic Type Relationship Training and Counseling
This 3 day training is for professionals who want to know more about the sociopath and the relationship with an intimate partner or family member. Become a certified facilitator or just add the training certification to your professional skills. This relationship is devastating to those who find themselves victims of a uncaring sociopath.

C2 Christmasdialectical Behavioral Training Techniques

Counseling Services
If you are in a relationship with a sociopath you risk losing your money, your possessions, your job, your self-esteem, your confidence, your independence and in the occasional case, your life! And the worst thing about it is you may not realize that this is happening until it’s too late. Sociopaths can be extremely charming, smooth talkers, witty and very friendly, and often a touch narcissistic. They like to quickly build an intimate relationship with their victims and don’t care that once they have their victim, that the victim can and will be disgarded with no remorse or thought to their devastation. If you think you are in a relationship with a sociopath and want out – make an appointment with Dr. Mathis.